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For those not familiar with tilt-up construction, a visit to www.tilt-up.org, the Tilt-Up Concrete Association (TCA) web site, can provide additional details about tilt-up.  The TCA is dedicated to tilt-up construction, standards, certification, education and training which may be helpful to both the tilt-up novice and pro alike.

Briefly, according to the TCA, the "term 'tilt-up' was coined in the the late 1940's to describe a method of constructing concrete walls rapidly and economically without the formwork necessary for poured-in-place walls.  It is a two step process:  First, slabs of concrete, which will comprise sections of wall, are cast horizontally on the building floor slab, or separate casting slab.  Then, after attaining proper strength, they are lifted (tilted) with a crane and set on prepared foundations to form the exterior walls."  The concept, originating perhaps over 2000 years ago, is used today for a wide variety of building types and situations.  The key benefits being speed of construction and cost savings over alternative construction methods.  So advanced are the tilt-up designs of today that virtually any "look" or design that can be drawn, can be made using  tilt-up.  These factors account for the exponential growth of tilt-up construction worldwide, enclosing more than 6 billion square feet in the USA alone.  Your T & M contact can elaborate on applications for tilt-up, as well as explain the tilt-up process and answer specific questions.  Contact T & M today!



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Last modified: 06/30/08